EURARE project is completed

The EURARE project began on the 1st of January 2013, and ran for five years (Balomenos et al., 2017). Its main goal was to set the basis for the development of a sustainable European REE industry. It aimed to safeguard the uninterrupted supply of REE raw materials and products crucial for sectors of the EU economy (including automotive, electronics, machinery and chemicals) in a sustainable, economically viable and environmentally-friendly way. The EURARE project was co-funded by the European Commission (EC) under the 2012 Cooperation Work Programme for Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies and specifically the raw materials topic NMP.2012.4.1-1 ‘New environmentally friendly approaches in minerals processing’. The project brought together researchers from geological surveys, academia, consultancies and industry (Figure 1) to deliver a holistic approach to the European rare earth supply chain. This brochure summarises the different aspects of the REE supply chain, with a focus on Europe and the research carried out within the EURARE project.

More information here: Research and development for the Rare Earth Element supply chain in Europe


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