Fifth SOCRATES network-wide event takes place in Leicester (February 2019)

Leicester clock tower. Source:

Leicester clock tower. Source:

The fifth Network-wide Event of ETN SOCRATES takes place from 19 to 21 February 2019 in Leicester, U.K. The meeting is hosted by Leicester University and the venue is the College Court. During the meeting, the recruited Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and their supervisors, together with representatives of the partner organisations and the project management, will monitor the progress of the research projects of SOCRATES. Additionally, several S/T and soft-skill trainings are offered to the (ESRs).

On Tuesday 19/02, the ESRs will receive trainings on “Achieving gender equality”, “How to take a photograph”, “how to make a video” and “how to set up a spin-out company”. Subsequently, they will participate in a business game on looking at commercialising of their research. Afterwards, parallel work package meetings will be held with the work package leaders and ESRs. The day ends with a walking tour and dinner in Leicester.

On the second day, 20/02, ESRs will give a presentation to update the consortium on their research progress. At the end of the day, a consortium dinner is organized in the Leicester city Centre.

On Thursday 21/02, the Technical Steering Committee meeting and the Supervisory Board meeting are organised. During the TSC, the work package leaders present a brief overview of the main progress and issues in their WP. The progress of the ESRs is discussed and any suggestions for improvement debated. After the TSC, the Supervisory Board meeting takes place and conducts a full evaluation of the project state of the art and cross checks all the project milestones and deliverables. Also, attention is given to the training progress and the dissemination and exploitation. In the afternoon, ESRs follow a training on ionometallurgy and visit the ionic Liquid demonstrator at Leicester University.

Leister town hall. Source:

Leister town hall. Source:



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