Landfill mining in Europe: latest developments

On March 2, 2017, EURELCO launched its latest Newletter which covers the rapid evolutions in terms of Enhanced Landfill Mining in Europe.

The latest Newsletter covers the launching of the EU Action Plan for ELFM by Belgian Member of the European Parliament Hilde Vautmans, the kick-off meetings of ETN NEW-MINE and Interreg Europe COCOON, as well as a report on the unique locals event in Houthalen where ELFM Researchers interacted with the local citizens of the Remo landfill site. The Newsletter also announces the upcoming 4th ELFM Symposium and the 2nd ELFM Seminar in the European Parliament. Read the Newsletter here.

All in all: the ELFM research and innovation domain is alive and kicking. If you want to become a member of EURELCO and participate in future programmes and projects, please be informed about the conditions through the following link.


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